
Music for Trumpets from Three Centuries von Albert Hiller -COLOGNE MUSIC SERIES Bd. 1-3

N.º de producto: ISBN 3-928453-04-1


Precio incl. IVA., Costes. Envio

Hiller,Albert (Hrsg. / Bearb.) *1951

 Musicbooks in english: COLOGNE MUSIC SERIES
- Music for Trumpets from Three Centuries (c.1600- after 1900) with a preface by Prof. Dr. Dr. Edward H. Tarr
Compositions for 1 - 24 Natural-Trumpets with and without Timpani
 Book, transl. of the German edition by Richard A. Lister. 262 pages, 199 music example, 78 fotos
ISBN 3-928453-04-1         38.60 €

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Precio incl. IVA., Costes. Envio

Examine esta categoría: 11.2.0 Cologne Music Series