P. Manfred Gerigk OP GerWV 52,1-5
Cantica Sacra
für gemischten Chor (S, A, T, B) und Orgel
I. Haec dies; (I.Haec Dies - Musik zum Ostersonntag)
II. In pace;
III. Media vita;
IV. Puer natus est;
V. Salve Regina
Vorlagen aus der liturgischen Tradition des Dominikanerordens
About the Composer
Father Manfred Gerigk of the Dominican Order was born in Danzig (1934). After World War II, he was a student at the High School in Oldenburg (Low Saxony). He received his basic musical orientation at home. He studied composition by self education, assisted by the musical theory of Hindemith. He plays violin, piano and organ.
In 1963, he went for 36 years as a missionary to Bolivia. There he taught musical theory at the teacher-training college of Santa Cruz. The extensive list of his compositions contains works for orchestra, choral music and a varied series of chamber music. The composer says: “For me, music is a play that gives me great joy. I want to communicate this joy. There is so much sadness in life and world. Nobody needs desperate music. That’s my modest musical creed.”